injuries from a fall or other accident. If the symptoms seem to require immediate attention, call the doctor or appropriate emergency service at once. 3. Take appropriate action while waiting for help to arrive. The most common emergencies are heart-related problems, breathing problems, bleeding, broken bones and falls. Though hospital staff can give family members some training in dealing with these emergencies, the best preparation is the first aid courses offered by the Red Cross or other organizations in the community. These courses will teach family members the technique of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the Heimlich maneuver to deal with choking, how to operate oxygen equipment rented for use at home, how to stop serious bleeding and what to do to keep someone comfortable when bones are broken. The most important thing for family members to keep in mind is, when in doubt, call for help. It is far better for a doctor or paramedic to find the situation not as serious as originally thought than to risk the life of a loved one.